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تفاصيل المشروع

  • العميل : Iraq Mall

  • الموقع : Baghdad

  • بتأريخ : 30/07/2023

  • العلامة التجارية :

جهز المشروع بالتفاصيل التالية
water-cooled chiller from Carrier, 14 unit, the capacity of each device is 1500 tons of cooling - Cooling towers from the Belgian Evapco, 14 unit, the capacity of each device is 1800 tons of cooling - Carrier brand air compressors from Turkish factories, 59 units - Water pumps of the Armstrong (English brand), 32 main pumps and 112 secondary pumps - Water Chiller from Carrier French factory, capacity of 400 tons - Automated Logic Corporation (ALC)/USA

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