We are Hiring

We are looking for talented people who believe in our vision and work on it, thus we need you to be a part of our long yet easy journey.

© Hexacorp

Job Application Form - Hexacorp

Personal info - معلومات شخصية

Specialization - التخصص

Please choose a specialty - اختر التخصص رجاءً

The Experience - الخبرة

The Experience in the ENGINEERING field - الخبرة في المجال الهندسي

The Experience - الخبرة

The Experience in the ADMINISTRATIVE field - الخبرة في المجال الاداري

The Experience - الخبرة

The Experience in the TECHNICIAN field - الخبرة في المجال التقني

Thank your for your time

We will contat you shorly at the following email address
